Why Python?

Ideal for an introduction to programming

Python is a text-based programming language with a simple and accessible syntax. It is also a standard in the software industry, from websites to video games.

The first Python application on a calculator

Whether at home or at school, computer access is not always possible.
Thanks to your calculator, you can now test your scripts and see the results without a computer!

Python modules

Great for a variety of activities

  • math and cmath: typical mathematical functions
  • matplotlib and turtle: plotting and representation of functions
  • Other modules like random, time, kandinsky, ion, etc.
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An optimized interface

Designed for easy script entry

  • Syntactic coloring
  • Autocompletion
  • Library of pre-entered functions

Script library

You have access to a library of thousands of Python scripts created by the NumWorks community, downloadable in seconds.

Discover the Python scripts